Курсы английского языка.
'Средний уровень - Headway Intermediate'.
Общая характеристика методики Headway:
Предлагаемые курсы обучения английского языка по методике Headway рассчитаны на один год и разбиваются на 6 уровней:
- Уровень для начинающих - HeadStart
- Элементарный уровень - Headway Elementary
- Начальный средний уровень - Headway Pre-Intermediate
- Средний уровень - Headway Intermediate
- Уровень выше среднего - Headway Upper-Intermediate
- Продвинутый уровень - Headway Advanced
Эти уровни соответствуют программе Headway - начиная от HeadStart (начальный уровень) и заканчивая Headway Advanced (свободное владение английским языком в любых ситуациях). Занятия на курсах английского языка проводятся по учебникам HEADWAY, с использованием аудиоматериалов и новейших методик развития разговорной речи. Обучение начинается с любого этапа, в зависимости от уровня подготовки (определяется тестированием).
Информация о курсах английcкого языка 'Средний уровень - Headway Intermediate'
График занятий:
2-3 дня в неделю по 3-4 академических часа в день.
Время занятий:
утренние группы с 9-00 до 12-00;
дневные группы с 12-00 до 15-00 и с 15-00 до 18-00;
вечерние группы с 18-30 до 21-30;
группы выходного дня с 10-00 до 13-00.
Место проведения занятий:
м. Сухаревская, м. Парк Культуры, м. Таганская, м.Комсомольская, м. Проспект Мира.
Стоимость курсов английcкого языка 'Средний уровень - Headway Intermediate' |
Базовая стоимость курсов по английскму языку: |
18600 руб. |
Стоимость курсов английского языка со скидкой 7%: |
17300 руб.
Стоимость курсов английского языка со скидкой 15%: |
15810 руб.
Стоимость курсов английского языка со скидкой 20%: |
14880 руб.
Стоимость индивидуальных занятий на курсах английского языка: |
70120 руб.
утренняя группа: |
27.12.2007 |
дневная группа: |
25.12.2007 |
вечерняя группа: |
24.12.2007 |
группа выходного дня: |
29.12.2007 |
Данные ближайшие даты начала занятий могут корректироваться!
Аннотация курсов английcкого языка 'Средний уровень - Headway Intermediate'
Средний уровень - Headway Intermediate
Продолжительность этого уровня - 120 академических часов (12 недель).
Курс "Intermediate" рассчитан на слушателей, имеющих некоторый опыт практики английского языка в объеме уровня "Pre-Intermediate".
Основной учебник курса - Headway Intermediate (Oxford University Press).
Студентам этого уровня рекомендуется чтение художественной и публицистической литературы, прослушивание аудиокассет, просмотр видеофильмов на английском языке и посещение дискуссионных клубов.
Получаемые навыки после окончания курсов английcкого языка 'Средний уровень - Headway Intermediate':
По окончании этого уровня Вы сможете разговаривать на разные темы и приобретаете углубленные знания в области грамматики; возможность совершать деловые поездки, вести бизнес-переговоры, обучаться в зарубежном ВУЗе; основа для подготовки экскурсоводов.
Учебная программа курсов английcкого языка 'Средний уровень - Headway Intermediate'
Курс "Intermediate" рассчитан на слушателей, имеющих некоторый опыт практики английского языка в объеме уровня "Pre-Intermediate".
Курс включает разговорную практику по тематике повседневной жизни с объемом новой лексики 25-30 слов за урок в классе, интенсивное аудирование в классе и дома, и письменные упражнения в рамках домашних заданий.
Unit 1
What a wonderful world!
Grammar: Auxiliary verbs do, be, have. Naming the tenses. Questions and negatives. Short answers.
Vocabulary: Sounds and spelling: meat /I:/, great /ei/. Silent letters: knee /ni:/.
Postscript: Social expressions: Never mind! It's my round. You must be joking!
Reading: Topic. "Wonders of the modern world".
Speaking: Information gap - The life of a Times journalist. Discussion - What's the most important invention?
Listening: Topic. "A group of people talk about their wonders of the modern world".
Writing: Correcting language mistakes in an informal letter. Symbols for correction.
Unit 2
Grammar: Present time. Present Simple and Continuous. Action and state verbs walk, know. Present passive.
Vocabulary: Sports and leisure activities play tennis, go swimming, do aerobics.
Postscript: Numbers. Money, fractions, decimals, percentages, phone numbers, dates.
Reading: Topic. "Sister Wendy, TV star" - the nun who is also a TV star.
Speaking: Discussion - What's important to you in life? Clothes? Travel? Talking about favorite sports.
Listening: Topic. "Three people talk about their favorite sport or leisure activity".
Writing: Descriptive writing. Describing a person. Adverbs of degree quite young rather attractive.
Unit 3
Telling tales.
Grammar: Past time. Past Simple and Continuous. Past Simple and Past Perfect. Past passive.
Vocabulary: Art, music and literature chapter, orchestra. Verbs and nouns that together paint a portrait.
Postscript: Giving opinions. What did you think of the play? It was boring!
Reading: Topic. "The writer, the painter and the musician" (jigsaw).
Speaking: Talking about your favorite poem, piece, piece of music, or painting. Exchanging information about a famous writer, painter and musician.
Listening: Topic. "The holiday that wasn't - a frightening holiday experience".
Writing: Writing a narrative. My worst holiday. Adverbs suddenly, however.
Unit 4
Doing the right thing.
Grammar: Modal verbs (1). Obligation and permission can, have to, allowed to, must, mustn't, should.
Vocabulary: Adjectives that describe people punctual friendly. Word formation behave - behaviour,stranger - strange.
Postscript: Requests and offers. Could you…? Can you…? I'll… Shall I…?
Reading: Topic. "A world guide to good manners" - how to behave properly in different parts of the world.
Speaking: Talking about school rules. Nationality stereotypes. Discussion - the rules of etiquette in different countries.
Listening: Topic. "School days long ago. Entertaining friends in three different countries".
Writing: Filling in a form.
Unit 5
On the move.
Grammar: Future forms going to and will. Present Continuous.
Vocabulary: The weather storm, shower, chilly, freezing.
Postscript: Travelling around. Using public transport. Requests in a hotel.
Reading: Topic. "If it's Tuesday we must be in Munich" - American tourists in Europe.
Speaking: Arranging to meet. Class survey - favourite holidays.
Listening: Topic. "The geography of the British Isles" - a weather forecast.
Writing: Sending a fax.
Unit 6
Likes and dislikes.
Grammar: Questions with like. Do you like tea? What's she like? Verb patterns want to do, enjoy meeting.
Vocabulary: Words that go together tall people, historic town, rich food.
Postscript: Signs and soundbites. Dry clean only. I'm just looking, thank you.
Reading: Topic. "In search of (good) English food" - a history of English food.
Speaking: Talking about food, cooking and restaurants. Exchanging information about capital cities.
Listening: Topic. "Two English people talk about living in New York; an American gives her impressions of living in London" (jigsaw).
Writing: Descriptive writing (2). Describing a room. Relative pronouns who, which, that, where, whose.
Unit 7
The world of work.
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple. Present Perfect vs. Past Simple. Present Perfect passive.
Vocabulary: Multi-word verbs look after us, turn on the light.
Postscript: On the telephone. Do you want to hold? Can I take a message? Leaving a message on an answer phone.
Reading: Topic. "The modern servant" - the nanny, the cook and the gardener (jigsaw)".
Speaking: Exchanging information about the lives of three modern servants. Roleplay - choosing a career. Discussion - retirement.
Listening: Topic. "Thomas Wilson - a retired man talks to his granddaughter about his life".
Writing: Formal letters. A letter of application.
Unit 8
Grammar: Conditionals. First conditional. Second conditional. Zero conditional. Time clauses when, as soon as.
Vocabulary: Base and strong adjectives big, huge. Modifying adverbs very big, absolutely enormous.
Postscript: Making suggestions. Let's go shopping! You ought to ask for a pay rise.
Reading: Topic. "Who wants to be a millionaire? We do!" - the ups and downs of winning a fortune.
Speaking: Maze - you've won 5m. Where will your life go from here? Discussion - Which charity would you give to?
Listening: Song - "Who wants to be a millionaire?" Three charity appeals - Which one would you give to?
Writing: Words that join ideas. Linking devices and comment adverbs in an informal letter although, however, actually, anyway.
Unit 9
Grammar: Modal verbs (2). Probability (present and past) must/be, might/have been, can't/go, could/have gone.
Vocabulary: Character adjectives sociable, easy-going.
Postscript: Agreeing and disagreeing. So do I! Neither do I!
Reading: Topic. "The man who planted trees" - a short story by Jean Giono, which shows how the actions of one person can change the world.
Speaking: Quiz - What sort of person are you? Class survey about brothers and sisters.
Listening: Topic. "Two people talk about their families - one from a large family, the other an only child".
Writing: Sentence combination. Describing a person and a place.
Unit 10
Grammar: Present Perfect Continuous. Simple vs Continuous. Present Perfect vs Past Simple. Time expressions since I left school, until I met Jack.
Vocabulary: Compound nouns postcard, post office, dining room.
Postscript: Complaining too much, not enough. The soup's too salty.
Reading: Topic. "Death cigarettes? You must be joking!" - an interview with the man who markets a cigarette called Death".
Speaking: Discussion - the right to smoke? Exchanging information about two collectors. Guessing game.
Listening: Topic. "Collectors and their collections" (jigsaw).
Writing: Beginning and ending letters, formal and informal.
Unit 11
Tell me about it!
Grammar: Indirect questions. I don't know where he lives. Question tags. It's a lovely day, isn't it?
Vocabulary: Verbs and nouns that go together whistle a tune. Idioms drop someone a line.
Postscript: Informal language ninety quid. What's up with him?
Reading: Topic. "You ask…we answer" - questions and answers from a science magazine.
Speaking: Information gap - Madame Tussaud's. Stories of forgetfulness.
Listening: Topic. "The forgetful generation" - a radio programme.
Writing: Producing a class poster. For and against - living in the city what is more, on the plus side.
Unit 12
Two weddings, a birth and a funeral!
Grammar: Reported speech. Reported statements and questions. Reported commands.
Vocabulary: Words connected with birth, marriage and death honeymoon, pram. Practice of the phonetic script.
Postscript: Saying sorry. Pardon? Excuse me! Social situations.
Reading: Topic. "David Copperfield" - an extract about the day of David's birth from the novel by Charles Dickens.
Speaking: Discussion - What are the customs connected with births, weddings and funerals? The day I was born!
Listening: Topic. "Two people give statements to the police" (jigsaw). A poem - "Funeral blues" by W H Auden.
Writing: Correcting language mistakes in an informal letter.
Как записаться на обучение
Для этого Вам нужно подойти в учебную часть нашего Центра и заключить договор. При заключении договора необходимо внести предоплату 50%, либо оплатить полностью.
Наш адрес: г. Москва, м. Парк Культуры, Большой Чудов переулок, д. 8 / 1, офис № 8.
Время работы: Понедельник-пятница: с 10 до 19.
Контактные телефоны(с 10 до 19 часов): 609-10-58, 510-02-19 или 915-25-64.
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